26 augustus 2013

A letter from Trine! (Norway!!)

Today a received a lovely letter from Trine!
She wrote a really long and interesting letter about her nostalgia!
She sent me some pictures from her family and told me all the stories behind them!

I also received some little presents with some stamps, stickers and some straps from 'yogi tea' with beautiful wishes! Like: 'Feel peace within yourself', 'The energy that makes you fail, can make you win', 'Remember you exist with a purpose', ...

Really like this little sayings!

Thanks a lot Trine for this nice and interesting letter!

Really appreciates your work!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Is this from Trine Marie? I love her letters!

  2. Hi,
    Yes the letter is from Trine Marie!
    I aslo like her letters a lot :)
    Have a nice and creative day!
