12 april 2014

A package back from Nina ! (Germany)

Last week I received a really nice package from Nina !
You can admire her blog her: http://nina-m-blog.blogspot.be

I never received a real package till now, so I'm really excited! :)
Nina sent me a knitted patch, and an old play card with the
letter 'E'. I also received really nice pieces of paper and a 
self bound booklet !!

I'm really happy with all the stickers and little drawings 
that Nina made! The garland is a beautiful idea to create 
and sent all over the world. <3 It gives a cosy feeling and 
these little things give me a desire to create things myself :)

Finally I also received some very good green tea!
I really love all the packaging from this brand: Clipper teas!

Thank you so much Nina <3

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm so happy to have found my way to your lovely little blog. All of your mail is just wonderful and a pleasure to browse through. :)

  2. Hi Sarah!

    I just notice your comment :)
    Thank you so much!
    Hope you get some inspiration from all the letters.

    If you're a letter writer too, and you're looking for new people to write with, just let met know. I'm always looking for creative people to exchange some letters with! :)

    Take care! xxx
